Fortress Views 2,000 years - Big Picture of Belgrade
You'll experience:
- Panoramic views over the rivers and their confluence
- Iconic Belgrade monuments and landmarks
- Historical and political overview and intrigue, from the Roman Empire to Ottomans and Habsburgs to the Cold War era
- Walk in the park
The Fortress is the #1 attraction of Belgrade. It can get crowded and misunderstood.
Or it can be an exciting story that unfolds in front of you on the perfect background.
What we make you see in one hour, away from the crowds, is the big picture. The key to unlocking the whys and why the hells of the local history and present. The panorama from the 2 millenia old fortification on the geographical and cultural border between the Balkans and Central Europe, at the confluence of the rivers Sava and Danube, grasps the strategic position of Belgrade that brought upon its inevitably epic past.
The view from the Belgrade Fortress is equally telling of more contemporary military and political history: victorious yet mortal WWI and birth of Yugoslavia, WWII with its controversies, the rise of socialist Yugoslavia and its capital New Belgrade laid out across the river, and the ecstasies and anxieties of the post war and Cold War periods.
The possible future is rearing its head as you glimpse to the left - a residential megadevelopment of the scale unseen in any other European city. A tongue in cheek residential construction that startled the society that for long used to think of itself as classless.